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How to edit user access/report visibility
How to edit user access/report visibility

There are five ways to edit a user's access and views in Zoined: Roles, Teams, User permissions, User default parameters and Restricted Company Report/Dashboard.

Nona Vikman avatar
Written by Nona Vikman
Updated over 3 months ago

There are five ways to edit a user's access and views in Zoined: Roles, Teams, User permissions, User default parameters and Restricted Company Report/Dashboard.


There are three different roles a user can be assigned.

  1. Admin – has rights to get into portal and can:

    1. Create, edit and delete users

    2. Define Analytics posts

    3. Define User Settings and other company settings

  2. User – has right to use portal and all reports.

    1. User’s rights to access data can be limited using “User Rights” button to include only selected store(s)

  3. Email only - has no access to the service web portal but can unsubscribe email reports

    1. an admin selects email reports this user will get. Email only user has no access to the service web portal but can unsubscribe email reports.

    2. This functionality is very useful if you want to limit users access to data such as:

      1. Sales personnel – e.g. sales of a whole store vs. sales person’s own sales

      2. Supplier – e.g. development of the Suppliers sales

      3. Customer – e.g. development of customer’s purchases


Teams enable access to specific data and/or email reports. Users belonging to a team inherit the access rights and email subscriptions of the team. User can belong to multiple teams.

To create or edit a team go to Settings->Teams. From there you can select which restaurants'/stores' data a team can see, and which metrics and groupings they can or cannot see. Let's say you have a purchasing team responsible for several restaurants. You can select all those restaurants for this team, and excluse any staff related metrics and goupings, if that is not relevant to their work:

You can also provide access to specific reports/dashboards, which are not publicly available, and you can choose Analytic posts which will be emailed to all team members according to the posts' settings.

User permissions

You can assign a single user's access to your data in Zoined by either adding them to a team, in which case all the restrictions and allowances will apply to that users, as well as analytic post subscriptions.

Or you can make all of these settings on a user-level in a similar manner than for a team:

Default parameters

Default parameters are a good way to easily create personalized analytic posts. You can create one post for whole organisation, and set up default parameters for users. A user whose default store is Helsinki, would then automatically get analytic posts based on that location's data. Default parameters do not restrict a users access.

You can make these selections in

And then in the analytic post's setting you can check the box which will automatically adjust the email report to the user's default view. If a user has eg. three stores selected as default, they will get three separate email reports, one for each store.

Report viewer restriction

You can also restrict the visibility of a specific report or dashboard with selecting the "YES" option in "restrict access" area of report creation / editing.

You can restrict the visibility to certain users or teams, or both.

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